Friday 24 February 2017

How to take good photos

By Frida and Tia
Here are some clues to taking great photos:
  1. Use the whole screen.
  2. Check focus - touch screen.
  3. Delete bad shots.
  4. Check - sun behind you.
  5. Check the background.
  6. Different camera angles E.G...

Snail view

Possum view

Eye level view


  1. Awesome blog post here Frida. It will be a good resource to go back and remember the rules for good photos. So you can search it out, make the second label Blogging. Remember to put TBC in the title before posting please.

    Whaea Allana

  2. Hi Frida,
    I like our bog-post about taking photos. It is good that we put the labels.
    From Tia
