Monday 23 May 2016

A Poem about how nature changes. By Frida

With a single water drop that twinkles in the dawn,
Where a single bird calls from high in the tree,
And frost covers the ground, 
The wind howls a song into the cool night air.

A soft blow picks up the clouds and batters them far to the north.

A deer walks past and leaves fresh tracks,
A small baby deer bounces behind and bonks into his mother.
She grunts and walks a little faster.
Its close to winter now so the deer are traveling the chipmunks are Finding nuts and the birds are flying.

After a long snowy winter the first bird calls and that seems to wake Everything up the chipmunks yawn their cute little yawns. a goose Is back thats meaning the birds are flying back, the deer are back Grazing on sweet summer grass and the chickadees are going " Chickadee dee dee " as the moose fall asleep, 
The wolves are Tired and hungry as they try to hunt and the stags Are showing off. The small young fawn is now a stag and has a group of girl deer. They follow him up into the vast and vanish from sight. His mother Calls and stumbles down till she is under a tree. A hawk comes Flying over head and follows a hare that hides. I hope that when the Winter comes the birds will fly and the deer will make their Migration, and the chipmunks will hibernate again.

The End.


  1. Wow what a beautiful poem Frida. You have a lot of knowledge about these animals, their habitat and the changes in the seasons. Where did you get your inspiration from? I like would your first paragraph is four lines. CHALLENGE: check our last paragraph for full stops and capital letters in the right places. Can you make it into two smaller paragraphs (they are called Stanzas in poems).

  2. Hi Frida:
    How beautiful!
    I can see the animals and hear the sounds of nature when I read this poem. The way you describe the cycle of the seasons using the animal changes makes me think of New Zealand and Canada. I see you included one of your favourite animals, the wolf.

    You have shown the cycle of the seasons which are even more extreme for us. I see you included one of your favourites, the wolf.
