Thursday 2 June 2016

Longfin Eel Diagram

Longfin Eel diagram,
This is my diagram that I drew on Google Drawing. Our class has been studying endangered species. I chose the longfin Eel.

We had to draw the eel and label it. I had to think about all the facts I have learnt about in class and check that the spelling was right. The labels had to make sense and not be too big or small. All the writing had to be the same size and colour and font. 

Google Drawing was really cool and I would probably use it again.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Frida

    You did such a good job of drawing your eel in Google draw - it took a lot of patience but you learnt some great skills and your labels are clear and easy to read. I like how you have described your learning.

    I look forward to seeing you use your own drawings in other blog posts or learning you present at school.

